ANT and LISA Test Configurations
- Set environment variable
- ANT_HOME = C:\apps\apache-ant-1.9.2 (As per your installation structure)
- LISA_HOME = C:\Lisa_7.1.0.1043 (As per your installation structure)
- JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45 (As per your installation structure)
- PATH = ;C:\Lisa_7.1.0.1043\bin; C:\apps\apache-ant-1.9.2\bin (append in path variable)
- Copy ant-junit-1.7.1.jar and junit-4.11.jar jar to C:\Lisa_7.1.0.1043\lib directory
- Create file and set below mention properties
# This is the properties file defining build properties for ant tasks LISA_HOME=C:/Lisa_7.1.0.1043 vs.sandbox.registry.url=tcp://sandbox:2010/Registry vs.project.version=v1.0 vs.project.path=workspace/sandbox_soap vs.project.test.suite.dir=${}/${vs.project.path}/Suites/AllTestsSuite.ste${basedir}/build/${}/report/${basedir}/build/tmp - Create file and set below mention properties
# This is the properties file defining LISA's custom ant tasks junitlisa=com.itko.lisa.ant.JUnitLisaTask junitlisareport=com.itko.lisa.ant.JUnitLisaReportTask - Create below build.xml file
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="${projectName}" default="lisaTests" basedir="."> <loadproperties> <filefile=""/> </loadproperties> <taskdef resource=""> <classpath> <filesetdir="${LISA_HOME}/bin"> <include name="lisa-modules.jar"/> <include name="lisa-core.jar"/> <include name="lisa-annotations.jar"/> </fileset> <filesetdir="${LISA_HOME}/lib"> <include name="lisa-core.jar"/> <include name="_misc-modules.jar"/> <include name="_misc-core.jar"/> <include name="_misc-annotations.jar"/> <include name="emma.jar"/> <include name="junit-4.11.jar"/> <include name="ant-junit-1.7.1.jar"/> </fileset> </classpath> </taskdef> <target name="lisaTests" description="Executes a LISA Test Suite as JUnit tests."> <echo message="Executes a LISA Test Suite as JUnit tests.( make sure old reports are deleted”/> <delete dir="${}"/> <mkdir dir="${}"/> <echo message="Run the lisa test in junit mode in base dir:${basedir}"/> <junitlisa toDir="${}" registry="${vs.sandbox.registry.url}"> <jvmarg value="-Dlisa.tmpdir=${}"/> <lisatest suite="${vs.project.test.suite.dir}"/> </junitlisa> <echo message="Generate junit style html report."/> <junitlisareport toDir="${}"/> <echo message="The JUnit report is available at ${}/index.html"/> </target> </project> - Done, please run ant, you are able to view results.
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