Error : Is your endpoint annotated with @Endpoint
Is your endpoint annotated with @Endpoint, or
does it implement a supported interface like MessageHandler or PayloadEndpoint?
While playing with webservice stuff, getting
error while calling webservice, everything in place but, due to XSD definition
and declaration style for JAXB
It is XSD related issue; you need to correct
your XSD. Generally when you are playing with JAXB, this problem will occur,
you must need to define request and response properly. Please find below an
example to resolve this problem.
For example if your input request element is
'InsertRequest' so need to define like
Correct and supported
Previously it was defined, as mention below: -
while generating JAXB beans, two classes are created for single elements, name
and InsertRequestType, and our implemented endpoint is not able to resolve this
element during marshalling.
Thank you! This fixed mine.